The Secret Society of Gratitude

Among us are people who make the world a better place. They are people who exhibit kindness and provide the much needed love that keeps our communities whole. They exist in every job, from the person serving us our food to the nurse providing medical care or the plumber repairing our leaky faucets. We at SSG recognize that most of the time, these people go unnoticed. They love and care for their communities just because it is the right thing to do, and they rarely ask for anything in return. They are the reasons we came together as an organization. Our goal is to identify and anonymously recognize those pillars of the community. Specifically, we want those unsung heroes to know that we do recognize them and we appreciate them for taking care of the rest of us.

If you came across this site and you happen to be one of these people, then THANK YOU. You really do make the world a better place.

If you happen to know one of these people and you would like to send them an anonymous thank you, feel free to contact us at